Hello, My Loves.
Being as this is my first blog post on this site, I figured I'd start by showcasing one of my style icons. When I say icon, I mean both what he wears and what he designs. It only makes sense for me to idolize the fashion sense of male fashion designers, because my own dress sense varies between the masculine and the feminine (back in high school, I used to have what I called "Kurt Cobain" fashion days...you can imagine the rest).
Christopher Palu is a designer on season 10 Lifetime's hit show Project Runway, and I am absolutely in love with him. Cough cough, I mean, his sense of style.
This is the only picture I could find of Chris in his bleached skull tank, but it's definitely my favorite piece of clothing he wears on the show. 

This picture is from Twitter, and it is very very Christopher. He's always wearing scarves that look fashionable and comfy.
Here he is with the costume that he designed for the Rockettes. He won this challenge, and the Rockettes are going to wear his costume in an upcoming performance. I love the way that he did the skyline, and I'm glad that he didn't do something stupid and cliche with the skirt, like so many of the other designers did.

This is the dress with which he won the Lord and Taylor challenge. It is being sold as part of their Project Runway collection, which features designs from all ten seasons. I'm currently saving up my money to buy this dress. I think it costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 200-300 dollars, if I'm remembering right.
And finally....
Just had to add in this quote. :)
Christopher's Bleach Skull Tank is from 'Stacy Longo Sustainable Apparel.' The website is under construction, but type 'Stacy Longo Sustainable Apparel' into your Facebook search, post on the wall you would like to purchase the shirt and a custom listing can be made for you on Etsy. Super easy and affordable!